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Equal Opportunity Representative

for all administrative, service, and technical staff

Legal mandate

  •     Advice on equal opportunity issues
  •     Advice on compatibility
  •     Accompaniment of personnel recruitment
  •     Participation in University committees

According to the Equal Opportunity Act of the State of Baden-Württemberg (ChancenG), the Staff Equal Opportunity Representative (Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit - BfC) is the contact person for all people working at the University of Freiburg in the fields of administration, services, cleaning service, technology / IT and in laboratories. She aims at professional equality, especially for women, and the reduction of discrimination. Discrimination occurs when people of different genders are treated unequally in the workplace without there being an objective reason for this.

Equal career advancement opportunities also implies improving the compatibility of work and family life. Thus, all parents or informal caregivers can seek advice at the Equal Opportunities Office on issues such as parental leave, the care of relatives, or returning to work, as well as part-time and remote work.

Since the respective amendment to the law in 2016, the Equal Opportunity Representative has the right to participate in all hiring and promotion processes and can attend job and personnel selection interviews.

Further information:

Equal Opportunities Act (in German)

Current Equal Opportunities Plan of the Universiy of Freiburg (in German)


In addition, she advises the university management on the actual implementation of professional equality for all employees, focusing on the support of women in leadership positions as well as in technical professions. She fulfills these tasks e.g. within the framework of committee activities, by proposing concrete measures and by participating in projects.

The Equal Opportunity Representative is supported in fulfilling her duties by her deputy and an administrative employee.

There are other offices at the University of Freiburg that work against discrimination and for equal opportunities and diversity:


The Equal Opportunity Officer is not responsible for the content of the links provided.
