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For superiors

Information for superiors on pregnancy, parental leave, family care leave and returning to work


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Mothers and fathers have a variety of options for informing themselves about maternity protection or parental leave. However, a professional approach by the employer or individual superiors to family-related breaks is equally important.


The working group „Family-friendly University“ has therefore developed a guide for superiors. This guide provides important information on how to plan for maternity protection and parental leave in the event of pregnancy or how to simplify the planning of parental leave for fathers. It also answers important questions on the subject of care. In the middle of the guide, you can find a checklist for superiors with the most important deadlines and dates. All superiors receive the guide after a pregnancy is reported in their department.

Guide to maternity protection, parental leave and nursing leave (in German)


During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the employer or direct superiors must implement the regulations of the Maternity Protection Act and, in particular, conduct a risk assessment. Information and forms can be found on the service portal of the University of Freiburg:

Maternity Protection - Parental Leave/Parental Allowance (in German)


There are many questions and regulations to consider when planning maternity protection and parental leave. To make planning easier and to record all agreements, you can use this form: Interview protocol parental leave/leave of absence (in German).


Returning to work can be a critical phase for your future career. With which extent of the position will the employee return? How should the weekly working hours be distributed? Is there a need for further training? For this purpose, you can use this form: Return interview protocol (in German).

